Battlesticks:Oversized(2020) Olin Gallery, Washington & Jefferson College, Washington PA.
The purpose of a golf course is to provide a challenging game consisting of 18 holes to be played in a natural outdoor environment. A golf course is, however, an ultra-manicured, simulated landscape made of groomed fairways and manipulated idealized obstacles. All things apposing this topographical opulence are removed or eradicated. Insects, weeds, and unapproved vegetation, as well as communities and people are subject to this decree.
This impossible view of the playing field is reflected in this installation. It shouldn’t be feasible for someone to collect this amount of golf clubs. Yet it was easier than you would think. The manner in which they are hung is highly controlled and the walk way resembles a fairway. This arrangement creates a manipulated environment with a minimum of materials and a sense of controlled chaos.
Battlesticks: Oversized